Nut consumption and planetary health.
M. Springmann. Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.

Nut consumption and biomarkers of ageing.
Patrizia Mecocci. Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics, University of Perugia, S Maria Della Misericordia Hospital, Perugia, Italy.

Nut consumption and gut microbial metabolism.
Kristina S Petersen. Department of Nutritional Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA.

Nut consumption, brain function and cognition.

Peter Joris. Maastricht University. Department of Nutrition and Movement Sciences, School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism, Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, the Netherlands.

Nut consumption and CVD outcomes infrequently assessed (HF, AF, PAD, stroke subtypes).

Gang Liu. School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China.

Role of plant-derived unsaturated fatty acids in cardiovascular health: the case of nuts.
Frank Hu. Department of Epidemiology, Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.

Biomarkers of nut consumption.

Catalina Cuparenco. Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, NEXS University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Effects of nuts on vascular function.
Emilio Ros. Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, Spain.

Dry fruits and bone health: current evidence and future directions.
Mary Jane De Souza. Department of Kinesiology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA.

The Nutpool World Epidemiologic Study
Marta Guasch-Ferré. Department of Public Health, Section of Epidemiology, and Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Nuts and immune function (cellular, humoral, gastrointestinal).
Joan Sabaté. Center for Nutrition, Lifestyle and Disease Prevention, Loma Linda University School of Public Health, Loma Linda, USA.

Nut consumption and reproductive health.
Albert Salas-Huetos. Unitat de Medicina Preventiva, Alimentació, Nutrició, Desenvolupament i Salut Mental ANUT-DSM. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Reus, Spain.

Nut consumption and diabetes control: New horizons.
Viswanathan Mohan. Department of Diabetology, Dr Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre & Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, Chennai, India.

The sustainability of diets high in nuts compared with diets high in other sources of protein.
Vasanti Malik. Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto Canada and Department of Nutrition, Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health, Boston, USA.

Proposal of two research collaborative studies for the future: opportunities and how to obtain funding.
John Sievenpiper & Cyril Kendall. Department of Nutritional Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

Nuts and blood pressure.
Noushin Mohammadifard. Pediatric Cardiovascular Research Center, Cardiovascular Research Institute Isfahan University of Medical Sciences Isfahan, Iran.

Upcycling nut coproducts for food and nutraceutical applications
Cesarattin Alasalvar. Life Sciences, TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center, Gebze, Türkiye.

Nuts and food intake regulation, metabolizable energy, and body weight control: New opportunities
David Baer. USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Beltsville, USA.

Nut consumption, anxiety and depression.
Stephanie. K. Nishi. School of Nutrition, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada.

Nuts for improving diet quality.
Alisson Coates. Allied Health and Human Performance,  University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.

Effects of nuts on renal function.


Nuts and allergies: fighting the problem.
TBA. Paediatric Allergy, Department of Women and Children’s Health, King’s College London, Strand, UK.

Panel Discussion: Possible health claims in Europe, USA or Canada – Future directions
Hans Verhagen. Food Safety & Nutrition Consultancy, The Netherlands, Owner and Consultant.